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Shain Vernier, Author

Shain Vernier

Market Analyst

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Shain is a veteran trading analyst and market analyst at HowToTrade. Since 2011, he has traded the forex, commodity, and equity markets. In addition to active trading, Shain has worked as a financial writer for StoneX and FXCM.

Shain is a specialist in the intraday trade of crude oil, gold, and US equities index futures. His hybrid approach to the markets involves combining relevant fundamentals and cutting-edge hedge technicals. He favors fractal trading methodologies, primarily the implementation of Fibonacci retracements on multiple time frames.

Shain has a B.Sc. in Business Finance from the University of Montana. He has also appeared on Daily FX and has been featured in Business Insider.

Areas of expertise include:

  • Intraday Scalping
  • Crude Oil Futures
  • US Index Futures
  • Forex

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